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Posts by Sam Stillone:

Sam Stillone: Protecting your Wealth from 'Sequencing Risk' & Securing your Retirement Lifestyle Plans

Picture of Sam Stillone
Sam Stillone 2 February 2022
Sam Stillone: Protecting your Wealth from 'Sequencing Risk' & Securing your Retirement Lifestyle Plans

The destructive nature of 'Sequencing Risk'

In this short video, Sam Stillone (Senior Financial Consultant) explains 'Sequencing Risk', how it can impact your portfolio and how it can destroy your retirement lifestyle plans.  Sam also discusses how you can avoid its destructive nature to secure your wealth leading up to and in retirement.

Update: 'Enhancing Super Outcomes For Australians' legislation

Picture of Sam Stillone
Sam Stillone 13 January 2022
Update: 'Enhancing Super Outcomes For Australians' legislation

Treasurer Frydenberg delivered the 2021-22 Budget on 11 May 2021. Notably, within the Budget papers were key proposed super measures, relevant to wealth accumulators and retirees alike.

Of these measures, several encompassed changes to the Super Guarantee, the First Home Super Saver Scheme, the Downsizing measure, and the work test for super contributions.

These measures were recently introduced into parliament on 27 October 2021—within the Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Superannuation Outcomes For Australians And Helping Australian Businesses Invest) Bill 2021—and are now making their way through the legislative process.

Below is an overview of these measures, due to start from 1 July 2022, if legislated (without changes).

5 Common Misconceptions About Money

Picture of Sam Stillone
Sam Stillone 13 January 2022
5 Common Misconceptions About Money

Your money beliefs can be protective or liberating ideas, thoughts, or opinions that you hold about money—often shaped by your life experiences, education and relationships (and your interpretation of these things).

Importantly, these beliefs can influence your financial attitudes and behaviours, which can, in turn, influence the prospect of accumulating more money (and creating wealth), now and in the future.

However, a key point is that these beliefs are ideas, thoughts, or opinions—not necessarily truths. By identifying and replacing these beliefs, you can develop a healthier relationship with money.

With this in mind, in this animation, we illustrate five common money misconceptions—one of which is ‘More money = More happiness’.

What Makes a Good Life? Lessons on the longest study on happiness.

Picture of Sam Stillone
Sam Stillone 13 January 2022
What Makes a Good Life? Lessons on the longest study on happiness.

What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life?

If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Dr Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of 75-year-old study on adult development, he has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life.

Does Globalisation mean Diversification is no longer important?

Picture of Sam Stillone
Sam Stillone 6 December 2021
Does Globalisation mean Diversification is no longer important?


The Business World is Becoming a Smaller Place

There is no doubt that the internet, advances in technology and the use of platforms such as eBay and Amazon have allowed even small business to expand and access customers in previously inaccessible international regions. 

With the globalisation of business earnings, some investors may conclude that they only need to hold Australian shares and property assets to achieve an adequate level of diversification when constructing an investment portfolio.

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